I only felt sure of about 5 of the photos (that they were AI-generated). Photos and videos have long been used to prove facts, so it’s scary to not be able to tell the difference. Going forward, how will we know what’s real and genuine, what’s true and what’s made up?

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I thought seven photos were AI generated. A real test for readers would be to have another test, including real photos from the Napa Valley.

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Very interesting. It's good to remember that all writing, painting, photography "art" is already AI and has been since the beginning. This is just another form, but more of a photocopy of a photocopy. New AI using existing previously created AI. Actual intelligence as opposed to artificial intelligence are separate concepts. The first is the activity of receiving and giving ideas from mind to mind in humans, the other is the giving and receiving of information from mind to mind in humans via a medium.

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"...a photocopy of a a photocopy." ! Love it. Great way to think about it and I like how your point has really made me think!

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Tim, It is difficult to identify AI generation. I could have sworn many of the photos came as result of YOUR eye! Will it be necessary to identify AI-photos? Your thoughts? Toni Allegra

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Toni. In a way they did come from "my" eye because I wrote the prompts for each of them as I was doing this research. In away, we might someday think of these like the first painters viewed the camera. That said, for us at Napa Valley Features our focus is on capturing local content, and, at least for now, that is beyond AI's reach. All the more reason to build a robust and sustainable local-content creator community!

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