Excellent article, lots to think about. The way forward may be the reinforcement of the original motivation for the agricultural preserve which has been the basis for maintaining the "agricultural " backbone of the Valley. This backbone has been the reason so many people visit and stay in Napa. I hope the suburban spawl won't take hold as it has in so many other Bay area communities.

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I won’t pretend to have all the answers, but I know for certain that to preserve our agricultural land and prevent suburban sprawl, which I believe most of us are in favor of, we need to increase density within the existing urban limits.

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Thanks for sharing.

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In the past few years I have worried that the wine industry has become the focus of the Napa Valley. People can only drink and afford so much of the overpriced product. I fear the industry has overdone itself. And the valley has lost alot of its charm from these "improvements"

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Thank you for sharing.

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