Large fires pose a threat to any local climate action programs. It's hard to replace the carbon emissions from hundreds of thousands of burned trees in any reasonable timeframe..

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Thank you for all of this information. Although I no longer live in the Valley, I am passionate about all fire issues. It is wonderful to hear about all of the important work that is being undertaken. I hope it will be a long time before we find out how much difference it will make.

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Oops. I didn’t read all the choices - all of the above

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We think you might be in good company. Thank you.

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The impact of wildfire smoke on human health can be huge. Following local fires, pediatricians in the North Bay area noticed a big increase in upper respiratory illnesses in local children, including chronic conditions like asthma. In my own case, since the fires I have a new tendency towards upper respiratory infections (we have no house fan or filter--old home). So I would hope to see some planning and awareness on the pubic health side.

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I would like to see the large growth of arundo in the Napa River near Pratt Street completely removed.

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Hi Pat, nice to hear from you. The leads for the St. Helena Fire Safe Council are Chris Warner and Jeff Farmer. Their email is sthelena@napafirewise.org. Send them a note, I'll bet they can put that project on their to-do list. Dave Stoneberg

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They were unable to help last year.

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