WOW! Tim - What a nice upgrade to the Weekend Report. And, you gave me stardom, as if the idea was all mine.

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Tim, we have never met officially, but you have always been a standout in a crowd with that full head of white hair. So envied by chrome domes like myself. For a long time I just thought you were a guy with a camera around his neck who gets lucky with a great photo on a regular basis. Then a year ago you spoke to our Calistoga Rotary Club, and we were blown away with your extreme depth of knowledge of world events and the ability to produce all of those graphs, etc. to illustrate your points.

And now we get a daily dose of your Napa Valley Features that is a Godsend. Your recent addition of the story from Amber Manfree and invitation to others to do the same is brilliant. Maybe not quite as brilliant as the upgraded Weekender with (N) and (R), however. - My stab at humor. So, my extreme compliments at your talents which are way beyond just a guy with a camera. Keep up the great work. Norm Manzer, St Helena

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It is definitely a team effort but thank you. And please keep the ideas coming.

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