Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the affordability of living here in Napa. On one hand there are some benefits of high-end tourism leaving lots of $$ here, yet on the other hand, there are some outlandish draw-backs.

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You are in my favorite city in the world. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy

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We enjoyed your article, brought back wonderful memories of our travels to Spain.

Greg and Roberta Wright

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Thank you for making time to write this article. It is great to hear of your travels, and also to be able to celebrate the growth of readers for Napa Valley Features. Tim's two pieces were interesting, and also a bit distressing. Here's to the beautiful valley finding a way to be available to both residents and travelers. Now that I no longer live in the Valley, I have to admit that the prices must be taken into consideration when I visit. I look forward to more thinking about this issue. Continue enjoying your adventures! Your words were great, and fun to read.

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Wonderful! I feel that I’ve been on the trip with you, Sasha! Toni A.

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