Two women that I knew years ago had maiden names of Grigsby!!!! Both are gone now

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There is an original, authentic Bear Flag on view at Schramsberg. It was found in an empty bank building in Sonoma County and then gifted to Schramsberg (not sure of the date it was gifted, but sometime in the 70's).

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This is the clearest description of the Bear Flag Rebellion I have ever read! It is well done and fair to both sides. As the honorary historian of Tulocay Cemetery, I was fascinated to read of Don Cayetano Juarez's brother's part in offering to help Salvador Vallejo escape. Tulocay Cemetery is located on part of what was Juarez's Rancho Tulucay. I wish this article could become part of the history curriculum for Napa schools.

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I loved reading about the Bear Flag Rebellion. There was so much information that I never learned, and the background stories were fascinating. Great article. My husband and I are both native Northern Californians and only knew vaguely about the creation of the Bear Flag. This would be wonderful in local curricula.

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