I'm wondering if Napa Features has any plans to start reporting on every day news items, such as public hearings, council and supervisor agendas/decisions, public records info etc. I need to figure out what's going on with my NVR account, as I can't view anything on line anymore even though I have signed in innumerable times and have subscription time left on my account. I'd love to separate myself completely from the Lee Enterprise disaster and have a reliable source for all local information. Thanks.

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Although Napa Valley Features does not intend to replace newspapers, we are constantly looking to provide pertinent and reliable information to our subscribers. We are also working with other local content providers to help fill the gap. Highway 29 Publishing (Calistoga Tribune and the Yountville Sun) and Wine Down Media (radio) are looking to improve their Napa Valley news coverage, as is the Press Democrat. At this moment there are many efforts to help ensure that local news remains vibrant and viable in the Napa Valley.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Napa Valley Features

This is a very complete story about early methods of letting the land rest between planting crops. I also enjoyed reading about the history of esrly cowboys in California and the different way of handling the horses.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Napa Valley Features

Somehow, I missed that this event was even happening! I’m so bummed to have missed the opportunity to attend. Hoping it becomes an annual event!

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